Top 10 Creative Ways To Fight Debt: A Debtor’s Advice

There are times when despite all your efforts, nothing goes right and this is when we resort to desperate measures. In a time when you are scrounging for money to pay the debts you owe, your car breaks down, your ceiling starts leaking and the money that was supposed to be spent shedding the debt is used covering for all the immediate repairs.
Fight Debt
With the debt mounting, if you are looking for ways to pay off your loans and prevent a foreclosure, you have come to just the right place. Come clean and unscathed out of the barrel of mutilating debt and put all your debt-related worries to rest with the following creative ways to fight debt.
While there are several debt settlement companies out there, if you wish to take things in your hands and take full responsibility of the loans you owe, the following ways are all you need to spell success.
1. When you are wracking for brain for ways to meet your expenses, one thing that can certainly help is selling any unwanted stuff you may have. As the adage goes that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, look out for things you can find, sell and make some money from.
2. Get into the buy and sell business. Go to yard sales or garage sales and buy things you think anyone will be interested to purchase. You can purchase household utensils or car spare parts. You can polish them and make profits by selling them for a price higher than the one they were purchased for. Embellish such stuff as much as you can and you will soon be making money through it.
3. You can scrap metal. A construction site is a good place to start. In addition, you can also ask your boss if the company has any metal that will be thrown away and won’t be recycled.
4. If you are struggling to manage your finances, you are most likely going to have a bad credit. This makes one wonder if it is possible to borrow money with a bad credit score. Loans with lower interest rates can be secured only if you have a high credit rating. It is, therefore, strongly suggested not to borrow more money to pay off debts.
5. Since it will be exceedingly difficult to get loans with a bad credit history, you can turn to family members and ask for their help. Involve lending networks as they will give your reluctant family members or friends confidence that the loan will be repaid and that the transactions are going to be recorded formally.
6. Try cyber begging. Here you can ask people to contribute small funds to your personal cause. A small fee has to be paid to set up an account and the monthly charges are minimal. However, even the minimal charges may seem too much in some cases. In such scenarios, register with websites that charge no fee.
7. If you are blessed with any talent, use it to increase your income. If you can play piano, offer to give piano lessons. If you know how to drive, give informal driving lessons. You can easily supplement your income this way.
8. If you have a job, ask for overtime. There are many companies who appreciate such requests and pay generously for the extra hours an employee works.
9. Try to get a part time job. Work only a few hours each night or only on weekends to earn some extra money.
10. Last but not the least, if you are strong in language and can type, you can always take up a job as a typist. You do not necessarily have to go to office. There are graduate students, business students, law students and lots of others out there who need to have their documentation typed and proof read. A lot of such students do not know how to type quickly and seek assistance so as to make sure that they do not miss deadlines. Help them and they won’t mind paying you well.
In addition to these creative ways to fight debt, you can also make use of debt settlement companies. Having helped millions, these companies have all the expertise to achieve the desired outcomes. However, nothing surpasses the pride of having a job done on your own.

Denny Jones

Hi, I'm Denny Jones, a seasoned financial advisor and writer passionate about helping others conquer debt and achieve financial stability. With over a decade in the industry, I've guided countless individuals toward smarter financial decisions through practical advice and insightful writing. Join me as we navigate the path to financial freedom together.

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