5 Tips To Sell Commercial Property And Make A Fantastic Profit

Commercial properties sales prices have increased by 9.4% in 2013, according to the CoStar Commercial Real Estate Sales Index (CCRSI). Even in a rising market there is still a significant difference in the price that properties sell for. If you are planning to sell commercial property you want to ensure you get the best possible price. Because of the high price of commercial, even a few percentage points can amount to tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Here you will learn five tactics you can use when you sell commercial property to make a fantastic profit. 
Use a Sales Billboard 
Selling commercial real estate with a billboard is a tried and tested method. A for sale billboard will usually be placed directly in front of the property. Secondary billboards may also be placed in high trafficked areas. One of the reasons that this method is effective is due to the fact that it gets the attention of people who are already in the area. If the property interests them, they will be able to quickly follow up by checking it out in person. It also alerts people who may be familiar with the property that it is for sale. 
5 Tips To Sell Commercial Property And Make A Fantastic Profit
Create a Brochure or Pamphlet 
A direct mail brochure or pamphlet is another way of getting your commercial property in front of a targeted list of prospects. A mailing list of potential investors can be purchased from a mail database company such as Experian or InfoUSA. When you purchase your mailing list you can choose to target particular groups such as small business owners or specific professional groups. 
Place Ads Online 
The internet allows you to quickly reach a massive audience and so it is important that you advertise your property for sale online. This marketing method could be named as one of the most effective, and low cost. It can reach your targeted audience within the shortest time, and create a big impact. Craiglist can be an effective way to advertise your property as you will be able to reach a local audience. Alternatively if you want to reach a national audience you will want to advertise on one of the commercial real estate portals including LoopNet and Costar. 
Advertise in Newspaper or Magazine Classifieds 
Some people tend to think this method is outdated and can’t be replaced with another one. But the truth is that people still love reading newspapers and magazines during their coffee breaks, or on the way to work etc. Place your advertisement in newspapers or magazines which are focused on commercial property investors.
5 Tips To Sell Commercial Property And Make A Fantastic Profit
Writing an attention grabbing headline is important for standing out and getting attention. Along with your sales copy you should also include the primary details for your property and where it is located. Some of the most popular commercial real estate magazines include apartment finance today, national real estate investor magazine and journal of real estate management. 
Find the Right Commercial Real Estate Agent 
Finding the right commercial real estate agent will make a big difference to the price you will receive. Residential real estate agents, also known as realtors, are not usually qualified to give advice on selling commercial property. When looking for a commercial real estate agent you want one which is licensed, experienced and with their own professional network. 
There are two basic types of commercial real estate agents, buyer agents and seller agents. When disposing of a property you want a seller agent. In some states dual representation is possible with the agent acting for both the buying and selling part. It is difficult however to truly represent the interests of both parties, so this is something to be wary of if you are trying to sell commercial property for the best possible price.  
A good commercial agent will have the experience to negotiate a high price for your property. They will also have access to private online databases and know how to effectively use them. They will also have a good network of property managers, investors and buyers. A good commercial real estate agent will be able to promote your property through word of mouth advertising.

Denny Jones

Hi, I'm Denny Jones, a seasoned financial advisor and writer passionate about helping others conquer debt and achieve financial stability. With over a decade in the industry, I've guided countless individuals toward smarter financial decisions through practical advice and insightful writing. Join me as we navigate the path to financial freedom together.

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