Can going to the gym and being health-conscious lower your insurance premiums?

It is fact unanimously acknowledge by people that when you hit the gym regularly, this will reap noteworthy health benefits. But did you ponder over the fact that hitting to the gym everyday and following a strict health regime could also provide you with some fiscal benefits in the form of low insurance premium rates? Well, life insurance policy underwriters take into account several factors while determining your cost of coverage, qualification criteria, your height/weight ratio and also a short health history. In case you’re an active smoker or you’re overweight, you won’t qualify for lower term life insurance quotes. So, start getting in shape to grab life insurance discounts.
staying healthy
Incentives on health insurance policy
Health insurance companies have started testing incentive-based wellness programs which lead to low premiums due to overall improvement of the group of participants. One among the few health insurance providers who pioneer such health-based programs is Kaiser Permanente. They have started this for encouraging healthier lifestyle to lower costs on insurance premiums. The insurers analyze the overall wellness of the group of people and then adjust the premiums considering the improvement. They use tech devices like Fitbit to check the BMI, cholesterol levels and blood pressure during several intervals. 
Life insurance alternatives
Generally life insurance companies don’t offer discounts above their pre-set rates. But would you mind being monitored 24/7 to grab low insurance premiums? There are companies which offer 15% discount for people achieving high levels of fitness. The participants just need to wear a monitor which monitors their regular physical activities. The higher is the number of sit-ups, running and push-ups, the more points they will earn. 
Ways to lower insurance premiums on your own
Stop smoking if you’re a smoker as this habit can drop your premiums by 50%. The healthier you are, the better rating you will receive from your insurer. Leading a healthy lifestyle and staying fit is the key to enhanced health. Physical conditions like high blood pressure and high cholesterol are 2 of the main determining factors of your insurance premium rate. You’re likely to save your dollars when you achieve a preferred rate. 
Therefore, if you’re someone who is looking forward to snap a low rate on your insurance policy, you should definitely start taking care of your health as there are so many insurance carriers who offer huge discounts for health-conscious people. 

Denny Jones

Hi, I'm Denny Jones, a seasoned financial advisor and writer passionate about helping others conquer debt and achieve financial stability. With over a decade in the industry, I've guided countless individuals toward smarter financial decisions through practical advice and insightful writing. Join me as we navigate the path to financial freedom together.

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